How Morning Painting Can Benefit the Brain

Whether you’ve painted before or are considering taking up the hobby, painting offers more benefits than just relaxation and a creative outlet. Painting can be a way to unwind, but it also has significant brain and health benefits that will keep both your mind and body sharp,regardless of your age.

We particularly love painting in the morning. From the warm natural light to the pleasure of getting up to do something you enjoy, morning painting can set a positive tone for your day. The meditative quality of painting allows you to experience mindfulness, which can help keep you grounded as you go about your day. If you’re interested in morning painting art classes in Los Angeles, CA, be sure to call The Artsy Backyard. Here’s why we think you’ll love our morning painting classes:

Preemptive stress relief

If you have a long day ahead of you, you might be dreading waking up in the morning. Getting up a little early and taking an hour to paint with coffee in hand is a great way to dial down the stress and start the day off right.

Improve your attitude

Speaking of dreading long days, we all know a positive attitude can only help, but sometimes it can be hard to achieve that. Taking some time to be creative in the morning reminds us all that there’s more to life than our current to-do list, and that is a happy thought indeed.

Improve your problem-solving skills

Painting can be challenging, especially when you have trouble translating the vision in your head to the canvas. On the other hand, setting aside time in the morning to tackle these challenges forces you to be flexible and learn new skills—a lesson you can take with you throughout the rest of the day.

Art as therapy

Like journaling, art is a great way to work through your emotions. We find that spending some time in the morning venting your feelings about last night’s fight, caring for elderly loved ones or dealing with a frustrating boss onto the canvas can really clear the head.


Many of us don’t truly respect the talent of painters throughout history until we try to do it ourselves. There’s a lot to be learned about art through textbooks, but getting up close and personal with the tools and techniques helps us respect how skilled other artists truly are.

Since painting is so personal to everyone, you might find that there are even more benefits to morning painting than just these—and we’d love to help you discover what they are!

Art classes in Los Angeles,CA

The Artsy Backyard is where fun and art meet. We know it can be intimidating to pick up a new skill, which is why our classes are no-judgment zones. We offer a variety of classes for all skill levels(and at various times of day). From private parties to workshops, you’re sure to find a morning painting class that you enjoy. Call us today to enroll inyour first class!


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